Lottery Luck Power mojo bag uses lucky ingredients for luck with gambling, playing numbers, lottery, bingo and to keep unexpected fortunes flowing into your life. Lottery Luck Power Mojo Bag can increase your chances to hit that winning number. As you hold the bag in your right hand, may the right combination come to you. Chant the Prayer: Grant me the power to hit that winning number. As I hold the bag in my right hand, may the right combination come to me, Lord knows that I haven't won in a long time. I need to break out and win big money, fast.
You may keep the bag directly on you or in a safe place such as in your bedroom, car or pillow. Use the oil to anoint this mojo bag (3 drops) once a week. After 1 year bury or destroy your bag and get a new one.
Always good to keep a mojo bag nearby, while doing spell work as well.
- Comes assembled with powerful hoodoo curios, roots and herbs for special magical purpose.
- Comes with 1.0 fl.oz, Mojo Oil
- Features soft comforting nice fabric
- 2 x 2 ½ inches size perfect for carrying in pocket, hand, purse or hide in drawer.
- Features open top for inserting nail clippings, hair and other personal items for personal magic.
- Full Instructions how to care and feed your Mojo Bag to get it working most effectively for you. Charge it and allow the magick to begin!
Your Mojo Bag may vary from photo as each is individually and personally made.
How to Use
Carry Mojo Bag in your purse or pocket. Anoint with oil supplied. Concentrate on your desires and let no one touch it.
Sold as Curio Only.