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Double Cross Sachet Powder

Cross up your enemies and confuse any work or intent they cast against you.

The blowing of sachet powders has a long and rich history, from the mundane to the occult. In occult practices, one can blow the powder to the four corners of a room or home, dust ritual and magical tools, carry as an ingredient in mojo bags and charms, or powder the body or clothing to enhance and attract love, luck, money, and power. Our old fashioned sachet powders use only essential oils, herbs, and fine powder for a light yet potent dusting.

This is very potent and fast acting, so please use this powder carefully, and is best used with our Spells & Rituals, Voodoo Spells, Divination Rituals, and meditations. Please keep these precious Voodoo Ritual powders in a private & safe place.

These are the rare Voodoo Rituals Powders we use exclusively in our Spells & Rituals, Authentic Voodoo Dolls or Magical Fetishes ~ hand-crafted & hand-blended exclusively for Freya's House by a renowned alchemist & initiated Priest based upon ancient methods, secret formulary and Voodoo
family recipes.

All of our Voodoo ritual powders are blessed and consecrated to insure success with your spiritual work – are not intended for the curious or the novice at ceremonial magic.

Available in 1.0 oz jars.
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