Use MONEY DRAWING Powder to draw money to you from expected and unexpected sources. Money Drawing Powder is the perfect tool to use when you want to increase your income, draw in money from unexpected sources like the lottery, or to draw in wealthy individuals (like high-paying customers). Use to get paid on a debt that is owed to you. Attract customers to your business. Dust business cards with Money Drawing Powder to draw clients. Lay a line of Money Drawing Powder across the threshold to your home to draw in prosperity. Powder the back of invoices with Money Drawing Powder to influence your customers to pay on time. Sprinkle this in front of your business, home, mailbox, on money, or wallets, on door handles etc. This can also be used for dressing candles, or used as offerings when petitioning a specific deity or spirit.
Package size: 2.5 in. x 3 in. (Approximately enough for 7 days ritual)