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REMEMBER ME Conjure Bath Oil Beads

REMEMBER ME Conjure Bath Oil Beads


This bath will help when you want to be at the forefront of someone's thoughts. It's an ideal bath to use when you find yourself in a situation where you wish to ensure your love interest will keep his thoughts on you. It's perfect for issues concerning fidelity, commitment, long-term relationships, and marriage. Each bead uses oils known in ancient scriptures for their power to increase love connections! 

Drop one or two beads into warm bath water to release a magickal fragrance scent along with relaxing, moisturizing oils into your bath water. As the leaves dissolve, your bath water will be filled with a wonderful aroma, and silky smooth liquid that both comforts and soothes. Soak in the bath for at least 15 minutes as you recite your desire phrases, and affirmations. Visualize your intentions to manifest your desire. Take this bath before your spell or conjure workings to invoke personal power into your life.

The bag contains 6 Soap Beads for Spiritual Baths.

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