SUN Triple Strength Oil
Helps achieve goals in any aspect of life such as career, creativity, legal matters, fame, health and more. Attracts the energy of bright, sunny success.Our Sun oil is composed of those oils chosen and blended together specifically for their ability to lend properties and powers similar to those of the celestial body to this oil. This makes it fantastic for a wide variety of rituals and spells with purposes ranging from protection to success. Use it in your spells and rituals to help draw upon the nature of the Sun providing a potent boost of energy for your spells in general particular those which have a focus on protection and success with these traditionally being the realm of the Sun. So too can it often be used in spells and protections seeking illumination" helping to expose and understand secrets and truths within your divination.
Wt. 1/4 fl.oz. (2 dram)